Inktober 2023

30 day art thing (-:
day 1: an animal
day 2: a flower
day 3: a beach scene
day 4: your favorite food
day 5: a tree
day 6: favorite book cover
day 7: a cartoon character
day 8: whatever you want
day 9: a self portrait
day 10: something starting with ‘s’
day 11: something with wings
day 12: your favorite hobby
day 13: something outside your window
day 14: a landscape
day 15: something you ate today
day 16: something starting with ‘e’
day 17: something you’re afraid of
day 18: something you wore today
day 19: a mushroom
day 20: a place you’d like to visit
day 21: something that makes you happy
day 22: a character from a show or movie
day 23: something that represents your personality
day 24: a dessert
day 25: something blue
day 26: anything for only 20 minutes
day 27: a drink
day 28: a plant
day 29: someone as a caricature
day 30: redraw one of your drawings from earlier in the month

credit to for the challenge (o: